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After addressing all the geometric, traffic, and environmental issues, the team proceeded to look into the benefits of each previously discussed alternatives. For benefits, we took into consideration the total delay reduction, fuel and operations costs, and emissions reduction. As you can tell from the chart, No-Mo traffic had the highest benefit with $187 million.

Benefit/Cost Analysis: About Us


We then took the overall cost of each alternative taking multiple factors such as the asphalt, excavation, r/w, and cut along with other factors, not listed. In total the cost ended up with what is shown, with half-tight diamond having the lowest price at 118.5 million with the cost of the No-Mo being at 185 million.

Benefit/Cost Analysis: About Us
Benefit/Cost Analysis: About Us

We then calculated the ratios of the benefits and cost associated with each alternative, with the half-tight diamond having the highest ratio.

Benefit/Cost Analysis: About Us

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