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The team has conducted an environmental study based on the CEQA and NEPA checklists and ultimately creating the Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report also known as the PEAR. 

The Environmental aspects the team looked into are:

1. Aesthetics

2. Agriculture and Forest Resources

3. Air Quality

4. Biological Resources

5. Cultural Resources

6. Geology and Soils

7. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

8. Hazardous Materials

9. Hydrology and Water Quality

10. Land Use and Planning 

11. Noise

12. Population and Housing

13. Public Services

14. Recreation

15. Transportation and Traffic

16. Tribal Cultural Resources

17. Utilities and Service Systems

18. Mandatory Findings of Significance


Detailed information about our environmental analysis can be found in the Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report (PEAR) can be found under Project Deliverables. Or can be accessed through the button listed bellow.

Environmental Analysis: Activities

©2018/2019 Transportation Senior Project Team

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