In order to choose our preferred alternative, we used a weighted decision matrix. This takes categories such as environmental impact, benefit/cost, and adaptability and assigns weights to them in proportion to their overall importance to our decision. Each alternative is given a score from one to ten based on how well it meets each category. That score is then multiplied by the categories weight in order to create a rating. The ratings are then added up, and the alternative with the highest number is our preferred design. The half tight diamond rated highest in every category with exception to the ability to accommodate seasonal traffic.
The reason for this is because the half Diverging Diamond Interchange and No-Mo options have slightly higher storage lengths for oncoming tourists. Other than that, it has the least environmental impacts, it best meets user expectations, it has the highest Benefit/Cost ratio, and has the highest level of adaptability meaning it is the easiest the modify for future designs past 2045.
Because of these reasons, the half tight diamond is our teams’ recommended alternative.