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Furthermore, the traffic data for our 2025 Open year indicated to us that the Traffic volumes along State Route 138 were fairly low in comparison to the capacity of this facility, however, they did have a relatively high truck percentages as we indicated in the Project Description section.

Forecasted volumes for our 2045 design year indicate that the SR-138 mainline will reach capacity.

We were then able to see what our traffic volumes at this intersection would be like in our 2045 design year, which strongly indicated that the through movements along state route 138 were anticipated to reach the capacity of the state highway.

Not only did Traffic Data indicate that state route 138 volumes would increase, but also the Left turning Movement from State Route 2 onto State Route 138 [click] showed a similar trend as shown on the screen. These traffic related issues allowed us to identify one of the primary purposes of our project from an operational standpoint which was to provide continuous movement for State Route 138.


After our design team was able to provide our traffic team with geometric layouts, we then modeled the alternatives using Synchro 10 Software which allowed us to determine the LOS, Fuel, andl Emissions associated with each alternative for our 2045 design Year.


You can view detailed information about our Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) document which is listed under Project Deliverables. Or can be accessed through the button listed bellow.

Traffic Analysis: Activities

©2018/2019 Transportation Senior Project Team

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